No one who rides a bike, on the road, in the mountains, or even cruising on the beach, is happy when a chain breaks, a shock goes out, or the rim tacos. Frank and Treven are both avid bikers. Whether in the Santa Cruz Mountains, the Sierras or the Pyrenees, they know bikes can break and maintenance is necessary. Frank created R.I.D.E.S. (Ride It Daily Extended Service) for the independent bike dealer to offer their customers so they can ensure that their customers can keep their tires on the pavement or the dirt, and as importantly, keep coming back to their “Home Store” for annual maintenance. Chain breaks when you’re cranking hard? Covered. Shock loses its bounce when you take big air—ouch! Covered. Flying into a turn at 40 MPH, but the rim folds. Covered We get your customers almost as well as you do and want to help ensure both your and your customers bike’s success.